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changes december, 23rd added Age of Empires version 1.0a 1012KFor more information about this patch, please read the informationprovided by Microsoft's gaming department. added East Front version 1.04 for UK release 688K added Sierra's Pro-Pilot version 1.01 6100K added a fixed version of Trophy River Fishing version 483Kchanges december, 21stMacintosh patches added Galapagos version 1.1B 530K added Galapagos version 1.1B for french release 166K added Galapagos version 1.1B for german release 166K added Galapagos version 1.1B for spanish release 166KPC patches added Alexander der Grosse version 1.1 of german release 1725K added Biing! version 1.44F 201KThis patch is only intended for Funsoft's budget re-release of the game! added Enemy Nations version 1.02.006 942KThis patch requires version 1.02.002 or later and obviously seems to be a beta. added Galapagos version 1.1 of french release 118K added Galapagos version 1.1 of german release 118K added Galapagos version 1.1 of spanish release 118K added iF-22 Raptor version 3.31 of german release 971K added Pro Pinball - Timeshock! version 1.07 899K added Siedler version 1.1 259K added Virus - the game multiplayer fix 352KThis patch should make the game more stable in network games and less crash frequent and also fixes trashed colour paletteson some graphic cards. added Vermeer - Die Kunst zu erben version 1.37 1926Kchanges december, 20thMacintosh patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.15 423K added Myth: The Fallen Lords version 1.1 1342K added Over the Reich version 1.15 189KThis patch requires version 1.12 or later already installed.PC patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.15 230K added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.05 for Direct3D 1078K added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.05 for 3DFX Voodoo cards 1045K added Flight Simulator 98 patch set 1.0 756K added Flight Simulator 98 setup fix for french release 2887K added Flight Simulator 98 setup fix for german release 2888K added Flight Simulator 98 setup fix for italian release 2888K added Flight Simulator 98 setup fix for spanish release 2885K added Jack Nicklaus Golf V version 5.1 193K added Madden NFL Football 98 version 1.2 10579K added Mechwarrior II: Mercenaries version 1.1 17904K added Over the Reich version 1.15 107KThis patch requires version 1.12 or later already installed. added Sega Rally Championship version 2.1 2075KThis patch mostly adds support for MMX processors. added Uprising version 1.05 1752Kchanges december, 19thMacintosh updatesSettlers II version 1.02 1207KPC updates added Warhammer Epic 40000: Final Liberation version 1.01 373K added Flight Unlimited II version 1.02 2063K added Incubation version 1.03 172KFor english release only... added Lands of Lore II version 1.30 784KThis is the eagerly awaited 3DFX patch, so the game's graphics are finallyon par with the rest of the game. added Lands of Lore II version 1.30 766KFor the french release only. added Lands of Lore II version 1.30 768KFor the german release only. added beta 6 of Myth: The Fallen Lords version 1.1 1055K added Outpost II scenario pack #3 221K added beta 3 of Quake II Rendition Verite driver 156K added Reloaded Windows95 patch 1158KI suppose this patch allows the game to run flawlessly under Windows95, Gremlin did notprovide any information whatsoever about the patch. added Sega Worldwide Soccer Direct3D upgrade 677K added Tomb Raider II patch #2 321K added Tone Rebellion version 1.22 264K added Trophy Rivers version 445Kchanges december, 15thHmmm, something trashed my database file. Thank heaven for daily automaticbackups...Today i started working on a frames based concept for my pages. The good news: frames certainly make the site look more appealing and easier tobrowse. The even better news: You will be able to choose between frames and no-frames. My semi-finished frames design is available for thosewho want to try it for flaws at NEW ART. added beta 5 of Myth version 1.1 1054Kchanges december, 14th added Birthright version 1.3 for DOS 1607K that means24 times a day or worse. Oh, and i need to redo my logo... :)Links: Netscape 4 Internet Explorer 4 Opera 2.12 or 3.0 added Battleground VIII: Prelude to Waterloo version 1.03 of UK release 463K added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.04 for Direct3D 1079Konly for cards with at least 4MB Video RAM. added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.04 for 3DFX Voodoo/Voodoo Rush 1046K added G-Police fix for Matrox m3D 639K added Men in Black NT 4.0 fix186Kprevents the game from crashing under Windows NT 4.0 added POD fix for Matrox m3D 1820K added Ultimate Race version 1.5 356KThis fix is only intended for bundles shipping with Gateway 2000 computers, Matrox m3D or Apocalypse 3Dx in this version:. DirectX 5.0 enhanced. AGP compatible. Riva 128 compatibility. Diamond Viper 330 compatibility. New memory management, to reduce the swapping in 16mb machinechanges december, 7thFirst part of my update to my Game Companies listis done. This one only features removals while the second part willfeature new additions and fixes to links.removals - American Laser Games - Bloodlust Software - Dark Unicorn Productions - Data East - Digi4Fun & Digi4Fun Lichtenstein - Firestorm - GTE Entertainment - Hipnotic Interactive - Magnet Interactive Group, Inc. - ReadySoft Inc. - 7th Level - VictorMaxx Technologies, Inc.Macintosh patches added Eric's Ultimate Solitaire CD version 1.3 1322KPC patches added EA Sports Cricket '97 Ashes Tour Edition version 3 408Kfor australian release only added East Front version 1.04 2951K added East Front upgrade 1.03 to 1.04 1213K added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.03 for Direct3D 1078K added F1 Racing Simulation version 1.03 for 3DFX Voodoo/Voodoo Rush 1046K added International Rally Championship version 4.61 228K added a couple of Kick Off 98 patches: dutch version 1.05a 1214K english version 1.05a 1127K german version 1.05a 1229K italian version 1.05a 1229K spanish version 1.05a 1229K added Postal 11kHz/16bit sounds for Santa patch 4348K added Postal 22kHz/8bit sounds for Santa patch 3648K added Warlords II Deluxe Pentium patch 973KWill prevent the game from crashing on anything faster than a Pentium 166.changes december, 5thI added 4 additional ftp mirrors - thanks to global Games Domain mirroring. :) Sweden : Swedish University Network Israel : Games Domain Israel UK : SunSITE Northern Europe South Africa : Games Domain South Africachanges december, 4thMacintosh patches added Close Combat II: A Bridge too far version 2.0a 1524K added Warlords II upgrade 1.0.1 to 1.0.7 276KThis patch is for Motorola 68k based Mac's - not for PowerPC's. added Warlords II upgrade 1.0.1 to 1.0.7 361KThis patch is for PowerPC's only.PC patches added Baseball Mogul version 1.15 618K added Battleground VIII: Prelude to Waterloo version 1.03 for US release 408K added Close Combat II: A bridge too far version 2.0a 700K added beta of East Front version 1.04 2408K added beta of East Front upgrade 1.03 to 1.04 1158K added Jetfighter III updated editor 303K added beta 2 of Myth: The Fallen Lords version 1.1 1052K added Nuclear Strike version 1.2 169K added Shipwreckers PowerVR fix 1KThis game is also sold under the name Overboard!. added Tombraider II patch 1 323KThis patch fixes the constant CD access problem some users were experiencing.Thanks to Frans P. de Vries from 3D Action Gamers' Archive for the last couple of patches.changes december, 1stI decided to open up a 3D cards section to make it easierfor people with Voodoo , Voodoo Rush, Rendition, S3 Virge, Mystique , Riva , etc... to find native patches for their cards orat least Direct3D support which initially might have been left out of a released game. added Excalibur 2555AD Voodoo Rush upgrade 597K added NHL Powerplay '98 version 1.1 of US release 698KThe european version doesn't require this fix since it has already beenupgrade to version 1.1 addded Screamer II Voodoo upgrade 286KThis patch should also work with the german and italian release of thisgame. Surely with others as well...NOVEMBER '97changes november, 27th added Alien Cabal version 1.2 of registered release 210K added Alien Cabal version 1.2 of shareware release 226K added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.3 for DOS (UK release) 599KK added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.3 for Windows95 (UK release) 723K added G-Police fix for Apocalypse graphic cards 654KVideologic only mentions Apocalypse cards, but this seems to be a generic PowerVR fix and therefore mightwork even on a Matrox m3D card. added Postal "Santa" patch 14373Kadds Santa Claus and his reindeers to the game added Outpost II scenario pack #2 201Kchanges november, 26thToday will probably mark a new record in the history of my site. If i countedright , i'm going to add about 200MB on files on this single day.So bear with me that this update looks very messy, but i wanted to havethe files listed before i have to leave for classes in the morning.I'll clean it up and organize it tonight.WARNING!!!Most of these patches are BIG. added Bleifuss Fun 3DFX update , version 2 for german release 339KThis is for the german release of Ignition. added Comanche version M3H 330Kfor Comanche CD or Comanche Maximum Overkill only. added Chessmaster 5500 version 1.02 351K added Dawn Patrol version 1.7 1273K added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.3 for DOS (US release) 596KF-16 Fighting Falcon is the original UK title for Interactive Magic's iF-16 so it'll be listed here under that name. added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.3 for Windows95 (US release) 721K added Flight Simulator for Windows95 patch 94K added Frogger patch #1 808K added Fun Tracks 3DFX upgrade , version 2 This is for the french release of Ignition. added Heroes of Might and Magic II version 1.3 for DOS 969K added Heroes of Might and Magic II version 1.3 for Windows95 927K added Heroes of Might and Magic II expansion pack version 2.1 for DOS 429K added Heroes of Might and Magic II expansion pack version 2.1 for Windows95 602K added Ignition 3DFX update, version 2 339K added KKND Extreme fix 187K added M.D.K. Force Feedback joystick support 644K added M.D.K. NEC PowerVR support 301K added NHL Hockey '98 fix 938K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for Voodoo/Voodoo Rush 23635K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 3 2669K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 23380K added POD fix for Maxisound64 2657K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for 2D cards , ATI Rage, S3 cards 5264K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for PowerVR 2590K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for german release 34838K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for italian release 34792K added POD upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 for spanish release 33320K added Shadow of the Empire Force Feedback joystick support 19K added Shadow Warrior 3DFX upgrade for shareware version 1659K added Shadow Warrior 3DFX upgrade for 'parental lock' release 1666K added Shadow Warrior 3DFX upgrade for UK release 1666K added Shadow Warrior 3DFX upgrade for retail/registered release 1665K added Sub Culture Voodoo Rush update 464K...quite a few other patches went obsolete and space @ is running low again *sigh*changes november, 22nd added Extreme Assault upgrade 1.2 to 1.21 428KThis patch seems to be multilanguage since the patches available & for the US and german version seem to be exactly thesame. I'll list them as one patch until further notification. - fixes Network error in which cannon towers appeared instead of thedesired Extras added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '98 version 1.04 1171KWell, this patch is a bit odd. The included readme says it is 1.04, whilethe filename they choose suggest it's a beta andSierra's website still lists 1.02 as being the latest version. Again i needsomeone to verify this. added Riven: The Sequel to Myst version 1.02 980K added Sub Culture version 1.16 16Kchanges november, 21stMacintosh patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.14 390KPC patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.14 213K - Fixes a v1.13 bug that incorrectly introduced the Spitfire IX in 1939. added East Front version 1.03 1809K - Added new units to Order of Battle files and corrected typos - Better objective placement in campaign games added East Front upgrade 1.02 to 1.03 559K added G-Police fix for Cyrix processors 635Kchanges november, 20th added Bundesliga Manager Hattrick upgrade 2.20 to 2.24 579KThis is of course a german only release. added F1 Manager Professional version 1.01 for DOS 865KThis is only for the german release, not the UK release by Europress Software. added F1 Manager Professional version 1.01 for Windows 95 995KSee above. added Quake mission pack #2 OpenGL upgrade for UK release 2078KThis patch requires GLQuake already installed and will only work if you got the europeandistribution. The previously added patch was only for the US release and will fail to update a european copy.To determine which version you need, press the key. This will pull down the console.If your console has no text on it, you need the US patch. added Space Marines version 28th february 1996 274KJust to clarify things: Filedates are from 28th february 1996 , so only if your smarines.exe is older than that, you might needthis patch.changes november, 19thMacintosh patches added Imperialism version 1.1 2252KPC patches added Bleifuss Fun Voodoo upgrade 334KThis is the german release of Ignition. added Chasm: The Rift version 1.04 227K added Fun Tracks Voodoo upgrade 334KThis is the french release of Ignition. added Ignition Voodoo upgrade 334K added Madden NFL Football '98 version 1.1 2390K added Magic: The Gathering - Spells of the Ancients version 2.15 1170K- Black Vise and The Rack no longer do double damage.- Cards such as Zombie Master no longer give their effect when only inthe spell chain. - Kismet properly lets you target either player. - Several artifacts with continuous effects disable when tapped. Theseinclude Howling Mine, Soul Net and others. - Fast effects response is no longer allowed for the activation of BlackLotus. - City of Brass no longer orphans its one point of damage uponactivation. - Contract from Below allows user to select order in which cards in handare discarded. - Fastbond properly handles more than one Fastbond in play. Fastbondalso now recognizes lands being put into play by means other thanbeing placed from the hand (Untamed Wilds). - Nevinyyral's Disk no longer taps if you cancel activation. - Argothian Pixies and Argothian Treefolk are no longer immune to someinstances of direct damage. - Disenchanting an Animate Artifact that was cast on an artifactcreature no longer removes the creature state from the artifactcreature. - Farmstead now recognizes the additional cost imposed by Gloom. - Serendib Djinn is correctly now a flying creature. added Panzer General II version 1.1 of UK release 1266K added Panzer General 3D version 1.1 of german release 1296K added Silent Hunter version 1.31 5400K added Silent Hunter upgrade 1.3 to 1.31 764K added Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy version 1.15 4193Kchanges november, 17thI started putting new artwork onto my pages. The conversion will take quitesome time since the guy who is doing the artwork and me are discussingheavily about each single piece and we also want to have a banner logo readyfor people who want to provide links. So maybe in december or later I willbe done with it.Also i'm getting more and more into a counter frenzy. So don't worry if Iadd a few more counters on my main page - they will eventually get removedover time. So far the best i've found is Nedstat, closely followed byWebtracker - if all you are interested in statistics. If you want ratingsand "compete" in a chart, go for Webside Story.Here are the Links: Webside Story Webtracker NedStat USA NedStat Home (dutch site!) added Anstoss II version 1.5 4156K corrected entry for Fun Tracks update to Funtracks version 6.56 of french release 324K added beta 5 release 2 of GLHexen II for Rendition Verite 337K added SCUD: Industrial Evolution version 1.1 6326Kchanges november, 16th added Dark Angael version 1.1 451K added GLQuake version 0.97 335K added Incubation (Battle Isle 4) version 1.2 of german release 458K added Incubation version 1.02 456K added Uprising version 1.04 1115Kchanges november, 15thSpace on is back to normal...Macintosh patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.13 376K added Over the Reich upgrade 1.12 to 1.13 157KPC patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.13 195K added Demonworld version 1.12 1208K added Fallout version 1.1 for DOS 644K added Fallout version 1.1 for Windows95 555K added Over the Reich upgrade 1.12 to 1.13 198K added beta 5 of GLHexen II for Rendition Verite 339K added beta 1 of Total Annilation upgrade 1.0 to 1.2 953K added beta 1 of Total Annilation upgrade 1.1 to 1.2 914Kchanges november, 13thMy disk at is still full... :( added Great Battles of Alexander version 1.1 of german release 610K added iF-22 Raptor version 3.3 of german release 971Kchanges november, 12thWell, the diskdrive hosting - among others - my Dresden archive is full again, so i will have to wait for them to clean up space for me. Besides - NEVER USE STATIC LINKS in your list for a site! might lead you to nowhere by tomorrow while will always lead you to the exact location. :)New entries today are only on my incoming drive here in Dresden andwill only show up on this page until i was able to upload them added East Front upgrade 1.01 to 1.02 57K added East Front version 1.02 1316K added East Front manual 24K added History of the World version 1.02 728K added Sid Meier's Gettysburg patch #2 443KThis patch is multilingual and supports french, german & english versions.changes november, 11thI added support for downloading patch descriptions if available on-site.Just click on a patch link in the download area and if a description fileis available it will offer you to download and read it first in the downloadbox. Well, this has been available for a few days now, but since a few peopleasked for it, I thought it was time to announce it anyway. 8^) added Chasm: The Rift version 1.03 227K adds better mouse control added East Front version 1.01 1305K read for information about fixes this descriptionchanges november, 10th added beta of Battlecruiser 3000 AD 3DFX upgrade 631Krequires version 1.01D rev.6 or greater installedchanges november, 9th added Legal Crime version 1.05 1241Kchanges november, 8th added Dark Reign version 1.1 1609K added Demonworld version 1.1 (german release) 1146K added Great Battles of Alexander version 1.1 997Kfixes in this patch - Game play speed is improved - undo button has been added - In Pelium, the Danubians will no longer disappear if they cross the river - If Alexander is killed, the Running Commentary Window will no longer say someone will replace him - The Intro will not play if it has been deselected - A saved game feature has been added to multiplayer - In multiplayer games, only the server needs to have a CD - The rout levels are now adjustable in multiplayer - You may reassign leaders after someone drops out of a multiplayer game - You may now view the battlefield at the end of a game added SWIV 3D Direct3D upgrade 1.0 849KNote that this is an unsupported patch, like GLQuake from iD Software.The patch was successfully tested on the following cards: 3DFX Voodoo e.g. Orchid Righteous 3D, Diamond Monster 3D 3DFX Voodoo Rush Rendition Verite 1000 e.g. Creative 3D Blaster PCI Matrox e.g. Matrox Mystique, Mystique2 PowerVR 2 (PCX2) e.g. Matrox M3D Permedia 2 e.g. Creative Graphics Blaster Exxtreme S3 Virge VXchanges november, 7th added Anstoss II version 1.40 (german only) 2557K added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.00 to 1.01d rev.7C (UK release) 5821KThis patch renders the previous patch orgy 1.00-1.01d r6->1.01d r6A->1.01d r7 ->1.01d r7A ->1.01d r7B->1.01d r7Cfortunately obsolete.added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.00 to 1.01d rev.7C (US release) 6172K added fixed Emperor of the Fading Suns version 1.30 409KThe version at the developers site seems to be missing files, while theone at Segasoft was reported as having those missing files and seems tobe more stable. So i replaced it. added Hardball V enhanced version 5.14 548K added Imperialism version 1.1 435K added L.E.D. Wars patch #1 244K added L.E.D. Wars patch #2 217Krequires patch #1fixes the following: - Build multiple units at the same time in the same building - Unit AI is now much more reactive - added help file - You can adjust the growth rate of the Led Plants added Total Annilation upgrade 1.00 to 1.1 584K added Total Annilation upgrade 1.1 beta 2 to 1.1 310K added Warheads version 1.00 F2 301Kchanges november, 6th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.01d rev.7B to 1.01d rev.7C 132K added Emperor of the Fading Suns version 1.3 355KThis is the long awaited final version of the patch and is usuablewith any previously installed version (except 1.3-beta, of course). added usermade Emperor of the Fading Suns NOVA patch 1.0 This patch mainly deals with bugs & quirks in the game database & behaviour.It will not fix any other bugs. added Front Page Sports: Football '98 version 1.02 1236K added beta 1 of GLQuake for Verite 260KThis is beta 1 of (GL)Quake 1.08 for systems using Renditions Veritechipsets. added beta 4 of GLHexen II for Verite 356K added iF-22 Raptor version 3.2 (german release) 809K added iF-22 Raptor version 3.3 1579K added IndyCar Racing II for Verite 2000 series 593KThis patch is only for the Rendition Verite 1000 version of IndyCar II andwill enable you to use it on newer Rendition boards as well. added Phantasmagoria II fix for crashs in episode 5 271K corrected Civil War Generals II 1.01 patches as being final.fixed some html bugs, which lead to shoddy presentation when peopleviewed my pages with Internet Explorer...changes november, 4th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.01D rev.7A to rev.7B 242K corrected 3DFX patches entries for Carmageddon: final beta of Voodoo & Voodoo Rush upgrade 645K final beta of german Voodoo & Voodoo Rush upgrade 660K added Legal Crime version 1.04 1201K This patch is for both shareware and full version.changes november, 3rdMacintosh patches added Drumbeat: U-Boot upgrade 2.1 to 2.1.3 1754KThis fix is for PowerMacs only, not for 68k based machines. added Riven: Myst II version 1.0.1 732KPC patches added Battleground III: Waterloo upgrade 1.12 to 1.13 of US release 355K added Battleground III: Waterloo version 1.13 of US release 5327K - replaces added Battleground III: Waterloo version 1.13 of UK release 4277K - replaces added Battleground VI: Napoleon in Russia version 1.02(a) of UK release 356K added Battleground VIII: Prelude to Waterloo version 1.02 of UK release 452K added Battleground VIII: Prelude to Waterloo version 1.02 of US release 399K added Chessmaster 5500 version 1.01 244K added beta of Civil War Generals II version 1.1 for Windows 3.1 1106K added beta of Civil War Generals II version 1.1 for Windows 95 1469K added beta of Front Page Sports: Football Pro '98 version 1.02 1222K added Galapagos version 1.1 373K added beta 3 of Hexen II Rendition port 355K - replaces vh2.zipThis patch requires Hexen II v1.09 or later installed. added Panzer General II version 1.01 1641K added Quake for OpenGL version 0.96 324K - replaces added Riven: Myst II version 1.0.1 980K added Sid Meier's Gettysburg free art pack 1219KThis is the same art as in the game, but decrypted for use in usermade addons. added Warlords III version 1.0.1 of UK release 1229K same fixes as already in US release.OCTOBER '97changes october, 29th added Hexen II version 1.11 6147K - replaces ph2v109a.zipfixed since 1.09:* Deathmatch client crashing due after 50 or so teleports in a given game orwhen the client first attempts to join (commonly referred to as the"teleporter bug")* Saved games from 1.03 loaded into 1.09 and 1.10 will now display worldentities properly* Necromancer Drain no longer possible with friendly fire turned off* Frozen rats no longer cause damage* You no longer get experience points for killing your own summoned imp* Crusaders hammer no longer appears to hit itself* Ice Staff powered up with the Tome of Power is fixed* Spawning in sideways autocorrects more quickly* French Strings.txt document updated* Balista AI removed in deathmatch map Demo2changes october, 28th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.01D rev.6A to 1.01D rev.7 399K added Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.01D rev.7 to 1.01D rev.7A 34K added Jetfighter III update #2 6084KThis patch adds even more 3DFX features (compared to previousalpha/beta 3DFX patches) and adds support for a few more sound/video devices.Bugfixes have been done as well - of course....removed previous Jetfighter III patches.changes october, 27th added Bleifuss Fun version 6.56 324K This is the german version of Ignition. added Funtracks version 6.56 324K This is either the european or most likely the US release of Ignition. Someone please enlighten me on the matter. readded Flying Corps version 1.11a 2039K Regarding this patch: It seems Rowan should check their infotexts from time to time. You really need version 1.11a to upgrade to version 1.11p. Thanks to Paul Leonard for notifying me.changes october, 25th added Carmageddon (german version) Voodoo & Voodoo rush upgrade 660K added Carmageddon Voodoo & Voodoo rush upgrade 645K added Magic: The Gathering - Spells of the Ancients version 2.1 1158Knew:Black Vise and The Rack no longer do double damage.Cards such as Zombie Master no longer give their effect when onlyin the spell chain.Kismet properly lets you target either player.Several artifacts with continuous effects disable when tapped.These include Howling Mine, Soul Net and others.Fast effects response is no longer allowed for the activation ofBlack Lotus.City of Brass no longer orphans its one point of damage uponactivation.Contract from Below allows user to select order in which cards inhand are discarded.Fastbond properly handles more than one Fastbond in play.Fastbond also now recognizes lands being put into play by meansother than being placed from the hand (Untamed Wilds).Nevinyyral's Disk no longer taps if you cancel activation.Argothian Pixies and Argothian Treefolk are no longer immune tosome instances of direct damage.Disenchanting an Animate Artifact that was cast on an artifactcreature no longer removes the creature state from the artifactcreature.Farmstead now recognizes the additional cost imposed by Gloom.Serendib Djinn is correctly now a flying creature....removed all Carmageddon beta updates.changes october, 24th added Earth 2140 (german) soundfix 974K Only required if after installing version 1.24 or later causes sound hangups during gameplay & intro. added Flying Corps (Dawn Patrol II) version 1.11p 3162K - replaces This patch adds multiplayer support and exterminates some creepy 8 legged bugs that may be in the game.Note: Adrenaline Vault mentions that you need to download patch 1.11a first in order to upgrade to 1.11p, but the readme inside the game says different. Since i don't own the game i cannot tell for sure, but i'll have to trust Rowan software's ability to write readme's. In case you need 1.11a, visit Adrenaline Vault and let me know. added Outpost II scenario pack 1 374K adds 3 new scenarios: - Peacekeeper (two players, Last One Standing) - La Corrida (four players, Last One Standing) - Pie Chart (six players, Last One Standing) fixes: - In the Allied Siege (6 player) map, starting locations aremore spread out with 2-4 players. - In mission 12 of the Eden Campaign, a small modificationallows the mission to run much longer without exhaustinginternal resources. - the program, OUTPOST2.EXE, has been improved to work betterwhen there are more than 256 buildings on the map. - Switching between SIGS and Outpost 2 has also been improved added POD Voodoo Rush & game service upgrade 2489K added Postal patch #1 445K from Postal website: If you would like to have joystick support while playing Postal, download this patch. It also fixes a Direct X bug that would cause dialog boxes to appear behind the Postal window so that it looked like you couldn't save the game. If your computer does not have a sound card, you will need to download this patch. Also download this patch if you get any errors saying your sound card does not support 16 bit sound. added Sid Meier's Gettysburg patch #1 419Kfrom readme.txt:Multiplayer TCP/IP performance has been greatly improved. Some of youbold souls may have noticed game hangups with anything more than 2players. This patch addresses that problem. However, doing so requiredthat we change the protocols somewhat which means all players in agame will need to have upgraded with this patch.There is now an option in the Preferences to do full redraws onscrolling.Misc. bug fixes that you'll hopefully never know were there. added Swing version 1.04 725K added Swing (german) version 1.04 338K added Tomb Raider PowerVR upgrade v2.0 1073K - replaces tombpvr.zipchanges october, 20th added Pazifik Admiral version 1.1 203KFIXES: - After losing the 4th scenario in the American campaign, the victory ending has been fixed to go to the loss screen. - During the opponent's turn, you could see his prestige and he can see yours has been fixed to not display your opponent's prestige. - If you enter an incorrect password for an e-mail game, the correct password is not displayed. - If you level bomb a Japanese air defense after they have no ammo, they ended up with 255 ammo has been fixed to stay a zero. - The map in the beginning of the deployment does not match the strategic map has been fixed so the two maps to match. - Glossary entry for PzIVH is now the correct unit, PzIVJ. - The Philippines date is correct. The scenario name has been changed. Originally, Leyte Gulf was going to be a naval scenario. Philippines 44 was going to include Leyte Island which was invaded at the end of '44 and Luzon which was invaded in Jan.45. The scenario names were made on this premise. - Iwo Jima's and South Pacific's latitude has been changed to a more tropical climate to prevent snowing. - In Burma and Persia, the map types been redefined to allow placement of ships. - Tokyo has been rebuilt to not allow movement of ships into the city. - Missing PDF file has be provided. - The victory conditions are a bit confusing. As soon as a marginal victory condition is reached, the play stops. Even if only on turn #10 or 15. Some scenario numbers were set too low and have - been increased. NEW FEATURES: - After the scenario ends in campaign play, a dialog box appears asking if you want to save. - Units on the Strategic Map are dimmed to denote no movement points remaining. - When upgrading, experience stars are placed on the right side of the unit icon in the army list. - Left clicking on the weather animation will bring up a dialog box with the weather information. Only possible if no units are active. - Experience stars for air units are displayed on the right side of the unit icon when displaying unit statistics via the carrier box. - Marine air units are now carrier operable. added SU-27 Flanker Squadron Commander's Edition installation fix 709KThis patch will fix the .dll crashes added X-Wing versus TIE-Fighter version 1.1.4 1496K - replaces xvt_3d.zipThis patch speeds up the game, most noticeably on Voodoo Rush.It's for 3D cards only, and most likely will properly work only onVoodoo/Voodoo Rush based cards. added Yoda Stories patch #6 1162K added usermade Pandemonium Cyrix fix 1Kchanges october, 18th added usermade Anstoss II version 1.8 346K added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01D rev.6 to 1.01D rev.6A 471KThis patch should work with both UK & US release.brings some soundfixes and gameplay tweaks added EA Sports Cricket '97 version 2.0 for Windows95 779K added EA Sports Cricket '97 Ashes Tour Edition version 2.0 410KThis patch is for australian release only. added Extreme Assault version 1.2 488KThis patch is for US (and probably UK) release only.It adds support for Voodoo Rush. added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for DOS 694KThis patch is for UK release only.fixes:- Frame rate increase of approximately 15% to 20%!- Feature-rich "check six" view implemented. added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for DOS 694KThis patch is for US release only. added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for Windows 95 723KThis patch is for UK release only. added F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for Windows 95 723KThis patch is for US release only. added NFL Legends Football '98 version 1.2 293K- In-play fatigue for ball carriers tied to their END rating. Eliminates big playproblem as it existed previously.- Accelerated Play Clock function and CPU play clock AI upgrade reduces # of plays runto a more realistic level when game length is set to 10 & 15 minute quarters- Multi-week injuries are more likely to occur. As are injuries to defensive players.- Fumbles are more likely to occur. Based on a ball carrier's FUM rating.- Opening day, updated rosters. added Quake version 1.08 205KBecause this patch only replaces quake.exe, it'll most likely require version1.06 or 1.07 of Quake already installed! added WAR, Inc. version 1.1a 513K- The player and AI may no longer air-drop structure materials onto each other's mines.- A drop to Windows caused by playing from the CD is now fixed. (It manifest as starting the quickstart each time the game is run, then dropping out to the desktop.)- Auto weapon switching while attacking a building will now work. In the release version, auto weapon switching wouldn't change weapons when a unit ran out of ammo while attacking a building.- A loaded transport helicopter is no longer treated as a ground vehicle while moving. Previously, it couldn't cross water (on the tactical map.) It will, however still be treated like ground vehicle when not moving.- Player will now get the appropriate animation when losing a campaign.- Missions past the fifteenth will now have MUCH better compensation, allowing auto-finance to research through the entire technology tree.- A crash to the desktop on "Afghan Blanket" caused by flying a scout helicopter to the South East corner of the nearest objective map has been fixed.- A numeric indication that a group selection has been successfully made has been added.- A movement error which caused a crash on the tactical map has been fixed....removed some obsolete patches.A few patch descriptions have been copied from Adrenaline Vault.changes october, 16th added Warlords III version 1.01 1232KThis patch is for the US release of the game only so far.- Improved multiplayer game play including better performance, decreased number of resyncs, and more stable game play with Direct X 5.0- Fixed a few bugs in the side selection screen- Vectoring can now be turned off or changed from 2 to 5 turns- See Readme for additional changesSSG suggests to upgrade to DirectX 5.0a anyway.changes october, 15th added Mageslayer version 1.1 1334Kchanges october, 14th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r6 (UK release) 4746KYou'll need a fresh installation from the original CD for this patch to work.fixes: too numerous to list added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r6 (US release) 5092K...all older patches for BC3K AD have been removedchanges october, 13th added amazon clearing bugfix for Ecstatica II 234KThis patch is for Win95 only and meant only for the UK/US release.It should fix that players get stuck in the amazon clearing. added installation fix for Flight Simulator '98 2880KThis patch fixes a bug in setup.exe which would tell you that the game requires4096MB to install. Also DirectPlay 5.0a is included.For the US release only. added Flying Corps version 1.11c 4660K - replaces added Ignition version 6.56 320KThis patch makes the game more stable. No other information available. added Links LS '98 1.30 to 1.32 1515KFixes since 1.30:- Lockup in 4 player alternate shot with topview open- Occasional lockup upon game exit- Sporadically choppy golfer introduced in 1.3- Occasional crash due to bad pointer to animation- Game would hang on exit from Internet game on error dialog added Links LS '98 version 1.32 5249K - replaces lnk98_13.zipchanges october, 11th added Archimedean Dynasty 3dfx upgrade 1267KThis patch requires version 1.120 installed and will add support for Voodooand Voodoo Rush based cards. added Schleichfahrt (german release) 3dfx upgrade 1267KThis patch requires version 1.120 installed and will add support for Voodoo and Voodoo Rush based cards. It's for the german release only. added beta 2 of Total Annilation 1.0 to 1.1 516KThis patch will only upgrade nonpatched 1.0 installations. added beta 2 of Total Annilation version 1.1 200KThis patch will only upgrade version 1.1 beta 1 installations.changes october, 10th added Enemy Nations version 1.02.002 1035K added Extreme Assault 1.1 to 1.2 514KThis patch basically adds support for Voodoo Rush and fixes the false missionresult reports in network play. The patch is most likely for thegerman version ONLY. added beta 5 of GLQuake driver for Verite chipset 289KThis patch is for users with Quake and mission pack 1 or 2 only!If you only got Quake (version 1.06), download this patch. added public release #1 (= beta 18) of a GLQuake / GLHexen II driver for PowerVR 94K added beta 2 of Hexen II Rendition Verite port 275K This patch requires Hexen II version 1.09 or later. added iF-22 Raptor version 3.2 1580K added a fix for Spaceward Ho! 4.0 1212KThis patch fixes the often experienced "debug assertion error," decreases the size ofthe executable, and handles a number of minor userinterface problems. added a beta of Total Annilation version 1.01 512K...and removed obsolete patches for Enemy Nations & iF-22 Raptor.changes october, 6th added Constructor Dos to Win95 native converter 896KThis patch is for the european releases only - except the italian version, which willhave a separate patch. All it seems to accomplish is to convert the DOS version intoa Windows 95 native one. There seem to be no bugfixes at all. I'll look further ifi can find any more information about the patch. added No Respect version 1.1 790K This patch among minor bugfixes, changes the following things: - The 'Blue eyes' secondary plasma weapon has been made less powerfull to avoid the 'Vendetta' vehicle having too much of an advantage with respect to others. - The 'Firewall' high explosive missile now launches much faster , giving the player more control over it. - Teleports are now less sensitive regarding the position of the vehicle.changes october, 5th added Hexen II version 1.09a 2726K - replaces added a beta of Hexen II Rendition port 274KThis one requires Hexen II v1.09 or later and probably newer drivers as well. added MotoRacer Polygon version 779KThis version should speedup the game if you have a 3D card with at least 4MB RAM. added S40 Racing version 1.1 1263Kchanges october, 3rd added Blood 1.0 to 1.11 (retail version) 2710K added Blood 1.1 to 1.11 (retail version) 612K added Blood 1.1 to 1.11 (retail shareware CD) 290K added Blood 1.1 to 1.11 (shareware version) 291K added Blood Plasma Pack 1.1 to 1.11 696K added Blood uncensor (adds blood to censored release) 132K added new release of Front Page Sports: Baseball'98 version 1.1 328K added Hexen II version 1.09 2726K added Tiger Shark version 1.31 661K...and removed 2 obsolete Blood patches.SEPTEMBER '97changes september, 29thI'm trying out a new style for news. Wether you like it or not, just tell me : [email protected]Macintosh Patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.12 221K - replaces asp111.hqx added Over the Reich version 1.01 to 1.12 973K - replaces otr11.hqx added F/A-18 Hornet version 3.0 to 3.0.1 4451K - replaces H301b2_Update_Mac.sea.hqxPC Patches added Achtung Spitfire! version 1.12 138K - replaces added Anstoss II version 1.30 (german) 1589K - replaces added F/A-18 Hornet version 3.0.1 3011K - replaces added Flying Corps version 1.11 5409K - replaces added Front Page Sports: Baseball '98 version 1.1 306K - replaces added iF-22 Raptor version 3.1 part 1/2 708K , iF-22 Raptor version 3.1 part 2/2 847K - replace added International Rally Championship Cyrix fix 192K added Over the Reich version 1.01 to 1.12 818K - replaces added UEFA Champions League 3DFX patch 618K added UEFA Champions League Matrox Mystique patch 621K added UEFA Champions League new VESA drivers 943K added Worms Reinforcements installation fix 30Kchanges september, 24thMacintosh Patches added Achtung Spitfire! 1.11 [150K] added Forge of Anvil 1.0.4 [784K] - replaces Forge_Anvil_1.0.2.sit added Marathon Inifity 1.2 to 1.5 [624K]PC Patches added ABC Monday Night Football '98 update (23rd september '97) [2696K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.35 (requires 386, german) [723K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.35 (requires 486, german) [721K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.35 (requires Pentium, german) [734K] added Galactic Civilizations II expansion pack 1.1 [1014K] added Links for OS/2 1.1 [617K] - replaces lnkfk1b.zipchanges september, 23rdWE ARE DOWN!Until a replacement for the defective drive hosting our games archive hasbeen found and installed will host The Patches Scrolls .This might lead to faster downloads for non-europeans, but hopefully nota major slowdown for us euros.changes september, 21st added an update for ABC Monday Night Football '98 [2697K] added Birtright for DOS [1176K] - replaces added Birthright for Windows95 [1109K] - replaces added a beta of Front Page Sports: Baseball '98 1.1 [301K] added Links LS 98 1.3[5247K] - replaces update12.zipchanges september, 17thI'm finally back from ECTS and visiting Games Domain's headquaters in GreatBritain. It was really exhausting, but also much fun. I even got a picturetogether with Lara Croft, i'll scan it eventually and put it on the websitealong with a forthcoming ECTS overview - but this isn't decided yet. Itdepends on wether i have enough time to compile it or not.But back to news: added Achtung Spitfire! 1.11 [99K] added Anstoss II 1.20 (german release) [1080K] - replaces added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.33 (US-release) [4456K] - replaces added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.12 (US-release) [4955K] - replaces added Der IndustrieGigant 1.30 (requires 386, german) [723K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.30 (requires 486, german) [721K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.30 (requires Pentium, german) [734K] added Dungeon Keeper AI patch [1606K] added a fix for Cyrix & 3dfx for Formula 1 [754K] corrected entry for Front Page Sports: Golf '98 to Front Page Sports: Golf '98 1.05 [1454K] added Great Battles of Alexander AI fix (german release) [610K] added Legends Football '98 1.0.1 [610K] added Lords of the Realm II: Siege pack [562K] - replaces added M.D.K for Verite (beta! [289K] added Napoleon in Russia 1.02a [174K] added Pacific General 1.1 [345K] added Shadow Warrior 1.1 to 1.2 (shareware version) [1089K] added Tomb Raider (upgrade for Matrox Mystique 1.03) [429K] added Vermeer - Die Kunst zu erben 1.35 (german release) [2899K] - replaces & added X-Wing versus TIE-Fighter Direct3D upgrade [1495K]AUGUST '97I'm on vacation to attend ECTS and see a bit more of Great Britainuntil middle of september. Mail sent to me will not get answered untilthen.changes august, 31st fixed entry for Carmageddon update to beta 2 Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (US release) [736K] added new patches for Der IndustrieGigant:version 1.20 for 386 [721K]version 1.20 for 486 [722K]version 1.20 for Pentiums [736K]changes august, 30th added DOS update for Birthright [1127K] added Windows update for Birthright [1085K] added Creatures 1.02 [1054K] - replaces added Windows NT 4.0 installer for Creatures (requires 1.02) [91K] added Front Page Sports: Golf '98 1.5 [1454K] - replaces added Links LS '98 1.2 [4804K]This patch will let you upgrade from ANY previous version, for those withonly version 1.0, get this much smaller patch from Access Software. added Quake mission pack 2 OpenGL upgrade [2053K] added Tomb Raider for S3 Virge upgrade [344K] added War in Russia 1.1 x13 (unsupported release) [176K] added usermade NBA Live! '95 roster patch 5.53 [431K] added usermade NBA Live! '96 roster patch 3.48 [130K] added usermade NBA Live! '97 roster patch 3.40 [359K]changes august, 28th added Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (US release) [736K] - replaces added Quake upgrade for OpenGL 0.95 [270K] - replaces added Outlaws 1.1 to 2.0 [5504K]changes august, 26thI finally got around looking over my companies page. There might be a fewmore incorrect/outdated entries still but the domains existed so i left themin my list. If there is anything wrong, mail me.Game Companiesadded & updatedAdventuresoftDinamicFASA InteractiveGraphic Simulations SoftwareJane's Combat SimulationsJoWood ProductionsMagic BytesMassive DevelopmentsMonolith ProductionsOrigin SystemsRaven SoftwareTerminal RealityTopWareUbi SoftUnited Software ArtistsWebfoot TechnologiesWizardWorksremovedFalcon NorthwestInscapeMillenium InteractivePhilips MediaQuantum Quality ProductionsSports InteractiveMacintosh Patches added Over the Reich 1.01 to 1.1 [921K]PC Patches added Over the Reich 1.01 to 1.1 [765K] - replaces otr11b.zipchanges august, 25th added Anstoss II 1.1 (german) [814K] added Earth 2140 1.29 (german) [490K] - replaces added Kill Krush 'N Destroy 1.2 (english) [1450K] - replaces added Kill Krush 'N Destroy 1.2 (french) [1433K] added Kill Krush 'N Destroy 1.2 (german) [1457K] added Kill Krush 'N Destroy 1.2 (spanish) [1437K] added beta v.1.10498 for Links LS 98 [4771K] (only available on Access' site currently) added Stars! 2.6b to 2.6f (registered) [391K] added Stars! 2.6d to 2.6f (registered) [360K] added Stars! 2.7 to 2.7f (retail version) [393K] - replaces added Stars! 2.7b to 2.7f (retail version) [360K] added Stars! 2.7c to 2.7f (retail version) [360K] added Stars! 2.7b to 2.7f (german, retail version) [352K] added Stars! 2.7c to 2.7f (german, retail version) [352K] added network beta v0.9 patch for Wipeout XL [446K]changes august, 24th added Der IndustrieGigant 1.10 for 386's [738K] , 486's [740K] , Pentiums [753K] added POD for PowerVR chipset [1795K] added joystick/mouse sensitivity controls for ZPC [420K]changes august, 16th added a fix for occassional corruption of character data for Amulets & Armor [271K] added Betrayal in Antara 1.1.0 [162K] added another fix for Lords of the Realm II Siege Addon Pack [530K] - replaces lotr2sg1.zipchanges august, 15thLinks to Macintosh and Amiga patches won't work for some days on ftp.cdrom.comwhile we work on relocating stuff there. So for now you can only get newpatches for these machines @ Dresden. If there are any other incorrect links,please mail me. I have soo much changes to do for the "new" site i mighthave overlooked quite a few things. Oh , and an major update to the companies pageIS forthcoming soon.Macintosh Patches added Command & Conquer 1.71 [590K]PC Patches added Blood 1.00 to 1.1 (retail version) [2663K] - replaces added Blood 1.02 to 1.1 (retail version) [1662K] added Blood 1.02 to 1.1 (retail shareware CD) [609K] added Blood 0.99b to 1.1 (retail shareware CD) [2918K] - replaces added Blood 1.02 to 1.1 (shareware version) [609K] added beta 2 of Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (UK release) [736K] - replaces added beta 2 of Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (US release) [736K] - replaces added a beta of Flying Corps 1.1 [3372K] - replaces added Fire Fight 1.2 (registered version) [1305K] - replaces added Fire Fight 1.2 (shareware version) [1554K] - replaces added a beta of Interstate '76 1.081 [4770K] - replaces added Red Alert 1.08PE (french release) [1470K] added Red Alert 1.08PE (german release) [1467K] added Red Alert 1.08PE (US/UK release) [1163K] added a beta of Tomb Raider (Voodoo Rush upgrade) [355K]changes august, 10th added Quake upgrade for OpenGL 0.94 [270K] - replaces glq3_28.zipchanges august, 9thAnother big bunch of files added. Thanks to those who notified me abouttheir existance. It seems the software industry isn't going onto a summerbreak this year like in the past...Macintosh Patches added Hornet Classic 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 [63K] added F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 to 3.0.1 beta 2 [4451K] - replaces H301b1_Update_Mac.sit.hqx added Leyte Gulf 1.0x to 1.02 [138K] added Warcraft II 1.4 [757K] - replaces war2_123_update.sit.hqx added Warcraft II (+with expansion kit) 1.5 [484K] added Warcraft II editor update [1808K]PC Patches added a beta Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (german release) [749K] added a beta Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade (US release) [735K] added beta 2 of F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 to 3.01 [3011K] - replaces added Imperium Galactica 1.2 [492K] added a beta Interstate '76 1.08b1 (3D card patch) [4771K] added a beta Mercenaries 1.08b1 [8813K] - replaces md3d108.zipchanges august, 6thA quick update on what is going on:The new drive is online and operational. I might have to replace it soonsince this one seems to have far too many bad sectors for my likening, butit works for now. The entire games area has been moved and most mirrorshave incorporated that change already. I still need to do some fixes inmy html scripts, but for now they seem to work. Some minor tweaks here andthere, fixing of some broken links - all in all it shouldn't take very muchlonger.Here are (most) of the new files:Amiga Patches added Fightin' Spirit fix (AGA,CD-ROM version) [83K]Macintosh Patches added Hellcats 1.0.0 to 1.0.4 [210K] added Hellcats 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 [102K] added F/A-18 Hornet 1.0x to 2.0.1 [6256K] added F/A-18 Hornet 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 [597K] added F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 to 3.0.1 beta 1 [947K] added Warcraft II 1.23 [420K]PC Patches added 3D Ultra Minigolf 1.0 to 1.1 [1501K] added 688i "realism" patch [126K] added 688i "realism" patch (french release) [126K] added 688i "realism" patch (german release) [121K] added Biing! 1.44 (CD-ROM version,german release) [256K] added British Open Championship Golf fix #1 [1101K] added Callahan's Crosstime Saloon 1.01 [692K] added a beta version Carmageddon for 3DFX upgrade [749K] added Creatures 2.0 [1912K] added a beta version F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 to 3.01 [3010K] added a beta version Front Page Sports: Golf [1441K] added Grand Prix Manager II 1.02 (german release) [570K] added Lords of the Realm II Siege Addon Pack fix #1 [493K] added POD 1.x to 2.1 (english release) [35975K] added POD 1.x to 2.1 (french release) [35995K] added Silent Hunter 1.11 (german release) [6856K] - replaces added The Civil War / America 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 [512K] added The Civil War / America 2.0.(1) to 2.0.3 [274K] - replaces & added The Civil War / America 1.0x to 2.0.3 [784K] - replaces added Tomb Raider (upgrade for Matrox Mystique 1.02) [429K] added Tomb Raider (upgrade for PowerVR 1.03) [1065K] added Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness 1.40 (US release) [1224K] - replaces wc2_12.zipJULY '97changes july, 24thWe are under reconstruction!changes july, 17thWe're almost out of diskspace, so i hope i can add the new diskdrive soon.Unless this happens REALLY soon i'll be forced to leave things in incomingand new things won't be added unless they replace older patches. added Air Warrior II 1.00d to 1.02b [3223K] - replaces & added Hollywood Mogul 2.02 [494K] added Links for OS/2 Fixkit beta #1 [627K] added Mercenaries 1.08, beta 1 [8807K]This version is supposed to run on 1.00, 1.05 upgrade, 1.05 sales version and 1.06 added Vermeer: Die Kunst zu erben 1.0/1.1 to 1.2 (german release) [1290K] - replaces added Vermeer: Die Kunst zu erben 1.2 to 1.3 (german release) [1097K] - replaces added a graphics patch for Zork Nemesis [1388K]changes july, 11thI'm currently busy with exams for the next two weeks and also down to 24Kbfree diskspace (the patches currently occupy about 715MB - just for therecord) so new additions won't be moved very fast due to these twolimitations. Sometimes i wish 3dfx wouldn't be soo popular right now. Theamount of 3dfx-related patches is frightening large :) So if you haven'tbought one yet - go out and get it NOW. added a fix for DarkSide II [69K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.05 (german only, for 386's) [658K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.05 (german only, for 486's) [659K] added Der IndustrieGigant 1.05 (german only, for Pentiums [672K] added EF 2000 Graphics+ (french release) [9587K] added EF 2000 Graphics+ (german release) [9589K] added Flying Corps 1.1 [3191K] - replaces added a fix for S3Visions & ET4000/W32 owners for Have a N.I.C.E Day (german only) [865K] added beta 1 of Mercenaries 1.08 (Direct3D upgrade) [6768K]This one requires that you have version 1.05 (not 1.00 like i do) on CD. We'llhave to wait for the next patch though... added Shanghai: Greatest Moments 2.00 to 2.02 (japanese release) [164K] added Shanghai: Greatest Moments 2.00 to 2.02 (english release) [736K] added Warcraft II : Beyond the Dark Portal expansion pack 1.50 [721K] - replaces war2x133.zipchanges july, 6thThe Graphics+ patch for EF2000 added on 3rd july was corrupted. Get therevised copy now instead. You still need theeuropean release with TactCOM addon installed for the patch though.PC patches added Anstoss fix (disk-version, german) [676K] added Anstoss fix (CD-version, german) [686K] - replaces added Anstoss World Cup Edition fix (german only) [320K] added Elisabeth I. 1.00 to 1.04 (german only) [1096K] - replaces added Elisabeth I. 1.03 to 1.04 (german only) [634K] added Hanse - Die Expedition (ATI graphic cards fix, german only) [324K] added Hexagon Kartell 3D-Max upgrade (requires v1.03) [275K] added Hexagon Kartell Eve-glasses upgrade (requires v1.03) [1K] added Hexagon Kartell VFX helmets upgrade (requires v1.03) [295K] added general fixes for Jurassic Park [81K] added Pole Position v.62x (german only) [838K] - replaces added Stars! 2.6b to 2.6d (registered shareware) [378K] added Stars! 2.6c to 2.6d (registered shareware) [91K] added Stars! 2.7 to 2.7b (retail version) [382K] added Vermeer: Die Kunst zu erben 1.0/1.1 to 1.2 (german only) [1923K] added Vermeer: Die Kunst zu erben 1.2 to 1.3 (german only) [1225K]Mac patches added Lighthouse 2.0 to 2.01 [485K] added Lighthouse 2.0a to 2.01 [466K] added The Incredible Machine III v.2 [956K]changes july, 5th added general fixes for Cricket '96 [703K] added Magic: The Gathering 1.25:disk 1 [1273K] , disk 2 [1193K] , disk 3 [1258K] - replace & added Steel Panthers II 1.01a [1300K] - replaces sp2v101.zipchanges july, 3rd added for Blood:v1.00 to v1.02 of registered version [2289K] - replaces bloodrg1.zipv1.01 to v1.02 of registered version [693K]v1.02 of censored version [132K] - replaces bloodsp1.zipv0.99b to 1.02 of retail shareware version [2797K] - replaces bloodrt1.zipv1.01 to 1.02 of retail shareware version [467K]v1.01 to 1.02 of shareware version [465K]Blood Tools 1.02 [280K] added alpha upgrade for 3DFX, v2 for Jetfighter III [1122K]changes july, 2nd added 3DFX patch for Extreme Assault (german release) [1171K] added a beta 3D card patch for Interstate '76 [5058K] added Graphics+ 3D card upgrade for EF 2000 (requires TactCom installed) [9305K] added Grand Prix Manager II 1.02 [574K] added a patch for The Ardennes Offensive [122K]JUNE '97changes june, 26th added a beta patch for Over the Reich 1.01 to 1.1 [406K]There seems to be a leaked beta of a 3DFX patch for Interstate '76 out on the 'net.I appreciate it that you uploaded it into my incoming area - whoever you are - but ihad remove the file and will not carry any beta until released by Activisionto the public. I most certainly cannot afford a lawsuit for distributing andcarrying pirated software.changes june, 25th added Broken Alliance 1.02 [782K] - replaces added Dragons in the Mist 1.01 [744K] added Panthers in the Shadows 1.21 [803K] - replaces added an upgrade for Voodoo based cards for SWIV 3D (Win95 only, european release) [649K} added Tigers on the Prowl II 2.06 [838K] - replaces top_204.zipchanges june, 21stThe new harddisk is still not operational and online as we are havingquite a lot of technical difficulties as of recently as many of you might havenoticied when their attempts to connect to my page failed during this week.I'm sorry but there is nothing i could do to solve this. One of our mainrouters has a tendency to loose all connections during the night and needsa manual reboot - or so it seems...I opened a new area for customizations to games made by fans. Things likeall those NBA Live! roster patches will be added there. Go and have a first look. They will bemarked here with usermade. added beta 5 of Emperor of the Fading Suns 1.3 [354K] added patches for Blood from 1.00 to 1.01:for censored (aka bloodless) version [132K]for registered version [1971K]for retail shareware CD [389K]for shareware version [393K] added usermade Megatraveller I (version 3, patch 0.01) [5K]changes june, 16th added Battleground: Ardennes 1.34 (US release) [4833K] - replaces added Battleground: Bulge 1.34 [1381K] - replaces added a new alpha patch for Descent II for Voodoo & Voodoo rush [620K] added Diablo 1.04 [517K] - replaces added Earth 2140 1.24 (german release) [1496K] - replaces added an installation fix for Tom Clancy SSN [3853K]changes june, 9th added 1996 schedule patch for Hardball V [156K] added Jack Nicklaus Golf IV 4.1 [288K] added new beta patch for Voodoo for M.D.K. [300K] - replaces added new beta patch for Direct3D for M.D.K. [297K]changes june, 8th added a new digital sounddriver for the Advanced Tactical Fighter series [12728K] added Battleground: Ardennes 1.34 (UK release) [841K] - replaces added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.32 (UK-release) [4240K] - replaces added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.32 (US release) [4425K] - replaces added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.11 (UK-release) [754K] - replaces added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.11 (US-release) [969K] - replaces added Battleground V: Antietam 1.11 (UK-release) [890K] - replaces added Battleground V: Antietam 1.11 (US-release) [646K] - replaces added Das Schwarze Auge III: Schatten ueber Riva fix #1 (german) [1228K] added Descent II Mission Builder 2.6 (registered version) [982K] added Die Hard Trilogy 1.1 [586K] added Hind for DOS 1.2 [554K] added a Glide 2.3 driver for Voodoo based cards for Outlaws [35K] added Theme Hospital fix #1 [3009K]changes june, 5th added beta 3 of the performance patch for Formula 1 [363K] - replaces added Earth 2140 v1.22 (german only) [496K]changes june, 3rd added a performance patch for Formula 1 (beta!) [363K] added a Voodoo/Vood Rush patch for M.D.K. (beta from 5th may '97) [300K] - replaces added a Voodoo/Voodoo Rush driver for GLQuake [51K] - replaces added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.3 (english release) [1441K] - replaces added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.3 (french release) [2865K] - replaces added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.3 (german release) [2858K] - replaces added Outlaws 1.1 [3088K] added X-Wing VS TIE-Fighter 1.1 [1128K]MAY '97changes may, 29th added Heroes of Might & Magic II 1.2 (for DOS) [645] - replaces added Heroes of Might & Magic II 1.2 (for Windows95) [634K] - replaces h2w9511.zipchanges may, 28thMac patches added Eric's Ultimate Solitaire CD 1.2 [1085K] added Spaceward Ho! 4.03 to 4.05 [375K]PC patches added Nascar Racing II 1.00 to 1.03 [740K] added Wing Commander IV (S3 968 fix for german & french releases) [16K] removed Quake OpenGL miniport driver for WindowsNT - replaced by OpenGL driver for Voodoo & Voodoo Rushchanges may, 27thNew updates will be slightly delayed in upcoming weeks due to the factthat i have a) almost no free space available and more important b)i have to prepare myself for exams. added Civilization II scenario CD 1.1 [1135K] added Shadow Warrior 1.1 (shareware only) [3176K]changes may, 24th added Actua Soccer upgrade for Matrox Mystique (any version) [6607K] added Actua Soccer upgrade for Matrox Mystique (v3 only) [747K] added Blood 0.99c to 1.0 (shareware only) [1125K] added Enemy Nations 1.01.024 to 1.01.026 (beta!) [319K] added GLQuake driver for Voodoo & Voodoo Rush (needs Glide 2.3 , for 95 & NT) [51K] added Harpoon Classic 97 1.63d [2561K] - replaces added M.D.K. for Voodoo (beta!) [868K] added perOxyd 4.x to 4.5 [219K] added Yoda Stories patch #5 [1119K]changes may, 18th added American Civil War 2.1 [3151K] - replaces added Casino Deluxe II 1.01 for Windows 3.1 [238K] added Casino Deluxe II 1.01 for Windows 95 [238K] added Dr.Brain IV: Time Warp of Dr. Brain fix [325K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (english release) [961K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (french release) [956K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (german release) [955K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (italian release) [962K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (spanish release) [962K] added Kick Off 97 1.01 (swedish release) [961K] added Lighthouse 2.0a [1612K] - replaces & added Lighthouse 2.0 to 2.0a [22K] added Nascar Racing II 1.01 to 1.03 [732K] - replaces added Nascar Racing II 1.02 to 1.03 [477K] added GLQuake for Windows NT [51K]changes may, 13th added Enemy Nations 1.01.024 [1934K] added Enemy Nations 1.01.019 and later to 1.01.024 [1247K] added Enemy Nations 1.01.024 to 1.01.025 (beta!) [319K]changes may, 10th added Age of Sails 1.05 (UK-release) [337K] - replaces added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.31 (UK-release) [4114K] - replaces added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.10 (UK-release) [962K] - replaces added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.10 (UK-release) [698K] - replaces added Battleground V: Antietam 1.10 (UK-release) [784K] - replaces added Marble Drop 1.1 for Windows 3.1 [80K] added Marble Drop 1.1 for Windows 95 [99K] added Steel Panthers 1.20 (german release) [2035K]changes may, 7th added Master of Orion II 1.3.1 (german) [2341K] added Teamchef 1.03 (german) [2357K] - replaces added Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 fix #2 [180K] added Woodruff & the Schnibble of the Azimut general fix [130K]changes may, 6thThe last known (to me) bug in my new design is fixed. I'll probably move everything tomorrow so if you linked anything else beside my homepage these links will most likely become invalid soon. The mirrorpage @ will feature a modified version until i found out how and if i can usetheir local cgiwrapper.A big apology to those people i promised a link to their page in the last 4-8 weeks but failed to do so until now but coding the new scripts was really timeconsuming and university live is consuming most of my time lately.Game CompaniesAscaron GmbH - addedHPS Simulations - updatedPolyEx Software - addedSierra On-Line UK - addedSubmerged Software - addedFavourite LinksDas Ultimative Deutsche SpieleforumInteractive World of WebsOpenNT - Unix Look & Feel for Windows NTWindows CommanderWim's BIOS PageAPRIL '97changes april, 30th added Apache Longbow Gold 1.04F (french release) [1013K] added Apache Longbow Gold 1.04F (german release) [1014K] added Destiny 1.146 [1073K] - replaces added Hind (for DOS) 1.2 [565K] added iM1A2 Abrams 1.1 [510K] added iM1A2 Abrams 1.1 (german release) [516K] added Nascar Racing II 1.0 to 1.02 [656K] added Nascar Racing II 1.01 to 1.02 [649K]changes april, 29thNew download design beta 4 (looks final) finished! Check the new webdesignout and tell me if it needs some final fixes i may have overlooked. No commenton the graphics please - i know i need replacements and am awaiting them... :) added Age of Rifles 1.0 to 1.4: disk 1 [1377K] - replaces aor1_3a.zipdisk 2 [802K] - replaces added Age of Rifles 1.3 to 1.4 [444K] added Third Reich 1.38 [463K] - replaces 3r1_37.zipchanges april, 25th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01c r5 fix #3 [118K] added Destruction Derby II network patch 0.91 [292K] added Interstate 76 1.06 [1920K] - replaces added new patches for MDK, dated april, 23rd: Direct3D patch, european release [298K] Direct3D patch, german release [297K] F2 savegame patch for DOS, european release [373K] F2 savegame patch for DOS, german release [373K] F2 savegame patch for Windows95, european release [284K] F2 savegame patch for Windows95, german release [284K] added Rockey Jockey LAN update [904K]changes april, 23rdThe scripts for the new page outfit are almost done. I apologize if i'm gettinga bit sloppy on other matters - like updating the companies page and addingsite links, but i want this to be done first. And having a few spare time jobsplus classes at university doesn't help either to get me more time for my hobby.But back to the news: added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01c r5 fixpack #2 (requires #1) [296K] added Emperor of the Fading Suns 1.1/1.2 to 1.21 [270K] added M.A.X. 1.04 (spanish version) [830K]changes april, 22nd added Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 1.07.213 1353K - replaces dag212.zipchanges april, 19th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01c r5 (UK release) [1251K] added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01c r5 (US release) [1883K] - replaces added a fix for Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01c r5 [509K] - replaces added Magic The Gathering 1.1 disk 1 [1036K] & disk 2 [1377K] added a 3dfx update (Voodoo chipset based cards) [469K] for Star Fighterchanges april, 17th added Quiver 1.02 [1947K]changes april, 16th added Mechwarrior II Battlepack: Ghost Bear's Legacy 1.05 [2376K] added Mechwarrior II Battlepack 1.05 [2614K] added an update to Universal Soccer Manager II [1525K]changes april, 15th added tons of patches for Murder Death Kill: Direct3D patch for european release [297K] Direct3D patch for german release [297K] F2 savegame patch for DOS for european release [374K] F2 savegame patch for DOS for german release [373K] F2 savegame patch for Windows95 for european release [284K] F2 savegame patch for Windows95 for german release [284K]changes april, 14thThe danish mirror is down for a about a month. Use another mirror nearby in themeantime like Games Domain in UK or Spel in sweden. added AH-64 Longbow Gold 1.04F [1013K]changes april, 12th added Age of Sails 1.05 (US release) [458K] - replaces added Battleground: Ardennes 1.33 (US release) [4771K] - replaces added Battleground: Bulge 1.33 [1380K] - replaces added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.31 (US release) [4406K] - replaces added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.10 (US release) [1193K] - replaces added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.10 (US release) [779K] - replaces added Battleground V: Antietam 1.10 (US release) ]599K] - replaces added Master of Orion II 1.3.1 [3349K] - replaces added Robert E. Lee 1.01 for Windows 3.1 [326K] added Robert E. Lee 1.01 for Windows 95 [342K] added Stargunner 1.1 (registered version) [2923K]changes april, 10th added a network & rudder pedal fix for Power F1 (french version) [438K] the same for Power F1 (german version) [438K] the same for Power F1 (italian version) [438K] not to mention Power F1 (US & UK releases) [439K] added M.A.X. 1.04 (french version) [824K] - replaces added M.A.X. 1.04 (german version) [823K] - replaces added M.A.X. 1.04 (italian version) [821K] - replaces added Stars! 2.7a to 2.7b (retail release) [84K]On a related note: the "weekly" newsletter i post on Usenet will reappear this weekend.Our lab was closed the last few days for hardware upgrades so i never had theneccessary time to compile a new issue in the last 2 weeks.changes april, 7thMac games added A-10! Attack 1.5 [7404K] - replaces A-10_Attack__1.3_Updater.hqx added A-10! Cuba 1.2 [8779K]PC games added Big Red Racing for DOS 2.25 [1039K] added Big Red Racing for Windows 2.27 [1047K] added Bundesliga Manager '97 1.35 (german only) [1394K] - replaces added Interstate 76 1.05 [1810K] added Stars! 2.7 to 2.7b [380K]changes april , 4thMac games added Gabriel Knight II 1.3 [774K] - replaces gk2mac.sea.hqxPC games added Diablo 1.03 [510K] - replaces added M.A.X. 1.04 (english release) [827] - replaces added GLquake 0.93 [363K] - replaces added SU-27 Flanker for Windows95 1.2 to 1.2a [231K]MARCH '97changes march, 27th added Blood 0.99b to 0.99c (shareware) [462K]Furthermore i finally found some bugs in my scripts and was able to transportthe scripts to so updating the mac-page isn't a pain anymore and i amable to update it much faster than before.changes march, 26th added Strife 1.3 to 1.31 [124K]changes march, 25thMac games added Descent II update [922K] added Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1.5 for PowerPC [272K] added Gabriel Knight II update [730K] - replaces gk21-2.sea.bin added Leisure Suit Larry VII update [798K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 1/11 [1908K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 2/11 [1908K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 3/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 4/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 5/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 6/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 7/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 8/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 9/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 10/11 [1909K] added Netmech addon for Mechwarrior II disk 11/11 [1636K] added Police Quest V: SWAT 1.1 [1208K] added Rama update [699K] added Shivers update [715K] added The Incredible Machine III version 2 [952K] added X-Wing 1.02 [1148K] - replaces xwing1.01.sea.binPC patches added Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 1.07.212 [1348K] - replaces added Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall savegame fixer 1.70 [98K] - replaces added Lighthouse 2.0 [1606K]1000 patches for PCs reached!!!changes march, 24th added DSF Fussballmanager 1.1 (german) [528K] added a netplay update [889K] for TracerI installed a new download page today - call it beta 2 if you want to.This design will with minor changes soon be implemented for all areas.By the way...i'm still looking for someone who can provide me some graphics for the pages.changes march, 21st added Age of Sails 1.04 (UK-release) [179K] - replaces added Blood 0.99 to 0.99b (shareware) [347K] added Caesar II for Windows95 1.01 [346K] added Hexagon Kartell 1.03 (german) [1632K] added WinQuake 1.00 [336K] - replaces wq0992.zipchanges march, 18th added Air Warrior II 1.01a [1579K] added new graphics for Mosquito for Air Warrior II. Only for full install. [281K]changes march, 14th added Age of Sails 1.04 (US release) [371K] - replaces added Bleifuss II 1.11 (german release, single player) [1222K] added Bleifuss II 1.11 (german release, networkplay) [653K] added Broken Sword (fix for S3 Trio64) [359K] added Overlord (new Vesadriver) [44K] added Pray for Death 1.1 [326K] added Privateer II: The Darkening version 17.0e (german release) [685K] added Tilt! 1.01 [203K]changes march, 13th added Shrak 2.0 (Quake addon) [748K] added SimCopter 1.02 [1799K] - replaces added SU-27 Flanker 1.1 to 1.2 (for Windows95 only) [398K]Contrary to a previous report Quake for OpenGL does NOT run under NT4.0 yet - at least not with my Righteous 3D.changes march, 12th added Quake for OpenGL , beta 2 (now with NT4.0 support) [364K] - replaces glquake1.zipchanges march, 11th added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.08 (UK release) [683K] - replaces added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.08 (US release) [924K] - replaces bgw_107.zipchanges march, 8th added a fix for Mortal Coil [1026K] added Screamer II 1.11 (single play) [1222K] - replaces added Screamer II 1.11 (network) [653K] - replaces s2n.zipCould somebody please verify if the former patches were for the italian release of Screamer II? added Steel Panthers II 1.01 [1221K] added The Gene Machine 1.07 [496K]changes march, 6thGame CompaniesAnco Software - addedAvalon Hill Games - updatedBeam Software - addedBlue Byte US - addedCapstone Software - removedCyberdreams - addedFunware - addedHolistic Design - addedionos Inc. - addedKOEI Japan - addedPegasus Enterprises - addedPinball Wizards - addedProbe Entertainment - addedPsygnosis - addedSEGASOFT - addedSpiderweb Software, Inc. - addedThree-Sixty - removedchanges march, 5thA new The Patches Scrolls and an updated company page will be done tomorrow. I'm just back from "holiday" so bear with me if i'm sort of lazy. added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.30 (UK-release) [3834K] - replaces added Cave Wars 1.20 (beta!) [356K] added Destiny 1.145 [1066K] - replaces added Discworld II fix #3 [433K] - replaces added Emperor of the Fading Suns 1.2 [213K] - replaces added Master of Orion II 1.3 [3293K] - replaces moo2v12.zipFEBRUARY '97changes february, 28th added Star General 1.0 to 1.1 (for DOS!) [319K] - replaces added Star General 1.01 to 1.1 (for DOS!) [301K] added Star General 1.0 to 1.1 (for Windows95 [342K] - replaces added Star General 1.01 to 1.1 (for Windows95 [319K]( added Battleground: Ardennes 1.32 (UK release) [668K] added Battleground: Ardennes 1.32 (US release) [4663K] added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.30 (US release) [4133K] - replaces added a fix for EF 2000 TactCom (german & french versions) [11K] added a fix for Super EF 2000 (german & french versions) [17K]changes february, 20th added Battleground: Ardennes 1.3 to 1.32 (US release) [79K] added Battleground: Ardennes 1.32 (UK release) [241K] added Battleground: Bulge (aka Battleground: Ardennes Gold) 1.32 [199K]I'm not sure about those Battleground fixes. Can someone verify if they require version v1.30 installed? added Archimedian Dynasty 1.120 [1307K] added Settlers II 1.51 [1687K] - replaces changed entry for Dawn Patrol II to Flying Corps 1.00a [1320K] to avoid confusion with Dawn Patrol: Head2Head added Broken Alliance 1.01 [778K] added Panthers in the Shadows 1.20 [797K] - replaces apparently the fix for Privateer II will work on the US & European release, but not on localized versions added Stargunner 1.1 (shareware version) [464K] added Tigers on the Prowl II 2.04 [819K] - replaces added Whiplash (Verite upgrade) [585K] added Whiplash (Voodoo upgrade) [535K] added Xenophage upgrade for beta to 1.0 (shareware version) [4090K] added Xenophage 1.0 to 1.1 (shareware version) [345K]changes february, 14th added Quake for Windows 95/NT 0.992 (WinQuake) [317K] - replaces added Terminal Velocity upgrade for S3 Virge (req. registered v1.2) [353K] added new patches for Tomb Raider:final patch for Verite chipset [348K] - replaces renbeta4.zippatch for Voodoo chipset (dated 13/02/97) [449K]changes february, 13th added Privateer II: The Darkening v17.0e [544K] . This might only work for the US release of this game.changes february, 11thMac updates added Over the Reich 1.01 (UK release) [222K]PC updates added Third Reich 1.37 [459K] - replaces 3r1_36.zipchanges february, 9th added A-10 Cuba! 1.0 to 1.2 (US/australian release) [559K] - replaces added A-10 Cuba! 1.01 to 1.2 (US/australian release) [558K] added A-10 Cuba! 1.2 (European release [559K] added D! 1.5 (registered) [137K] added new patches for Descent II for Verite chipset [724K] & Voodoo chipset [782K] These are dated 02/07/97 and replace the earlier release from january '97. added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 1.0 to 1.3 [511K] added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 1.1 to 1.3 [442K] added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 1.2beta to 1.3 [247K] these patches replace, & added new NBA Full Court Press Basketball patch with 95-96 rosters (US release) [829K] - replaces added new NBA Full Court Press Basketball patch with 96-97 rosters (US release) [830K] added NFL Quarterback Club '97 1.1 [664K] added Third Reich 1.36 [459K] - replaces 3r1_35.zipchanges february, 8th added Blood & Magic 1.01 (french version) [593K] added Blood & Magic 1.01 (german version) [593K] added Hind 1.2 (for Windows 95 only) [588K] - replaces hind9511.zipchanges february, 7thTons of new patches today thanks to Adrenaline Vaults huge database...I also fixed a few bad descriptions... added Alien Trilogy 2.0 (european release) [1671K] added Alien Trilogy 2.0 (german release) [1664K] added Alien Trilogy 2.0 (US release) [1663K] added Advanced Tactical Fighter: Nato Fighters 1.01F (french release) [135K] added Advanced Tactical Fighter: Nato Fighters 1.03F (german release) [132K] added Assault Rigs for ATI 3D Rage (Cyrix 6x86 fix) [314K] added a fix for Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01c r4 [200K] added a fixed version of Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.24 (US release) [4040K] added Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall savegame fixer 1.65 [100K] - replaces added Mechwarrior II: Mercenaries 1.05 to 1.06 [1173K] added Quake for Windows 95/NT v0.99 (aka WinQuake) [314K] added Scorched Planet (Verite upgrade for UK, italian & spanish releases) [670K] added Scorched Planet (Verite upgrade for french & german releases) [670K] added Screamer II 1.11 (network version) [654K] added Screamer II 1.11 (standalone) [1223K] added a fix for Star Trek: Borg [1884K] added Tomb Raider for Matrox Mystique (beta 1) [389K] added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.1 (english version) [617K] added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.1 (french version) [1327K] added U.S. Navy Fighters 97 1.1 (german release) [1326K]changes february, 5th added Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0/1.01c r3 to 1.01c r4 [1601K] - replaces added Dawn Patrol II: Flying Corps 1.00a [1320K] added Over the Reich 1.01 for Windows 3.1 (UK release) [83K] added Over the Reich 1.01 for Windows95 (UK release) [101K] added Toshinden (upgrade for Matrox Mystique version 1.0) [342K]changes february, 2ndMacintosh updates added Capitalism 1.1 [1035K]PC updates added Age of Sails 1.02 (UK release) [122K] added Baldies (fix for DirectX3 problems) [1009K] added Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.24 (US release) [3879K] - replaces & added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.05 (UK release) [397K] added Battleground V: Antietam 1.01 (UK release) [473K] added Battleships 1.1 [331K] added a fix to make Phantasmagoria II [915K] Windows95 version executable on DOS-based systems too added Risk 1.1 [183K]JANUARY '97changes january, 31st added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 1.0 to 1.2 (beta 1) [460K] added Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 1.1 to 1.2 (beta 1) [380K] added Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1.3 disk 1 [1377K] & disk 2 [789K] - replace aor1_2[a-b].zipchanges january, 28thI fixed a few links on both my companies page & my favourite links page. added Chessmaster 5000 1.02 [2138K] added a fix for users with 64MB RAM or more for Death Rally [74K] added Scorched Planet (Verite chipset upgrade) [670K] added Toshinden 2.5 (Voodoo chipset upgrade) [575K]changes january, 26th added Emperor of the Fading Suns 1.1 [89K] added Planer II 1.04 (german only) [1415K]changes january, 25th added Deadlock 1.31 [3325K] added Hoehlenwelt Saga fix (german only) [202K] added JetFighter III update #1 [832K] added Magic The Gathering: Battlemage 1.1a [459K] added new tomes [1K] for Magic The Gathering: Battlemage added Motocross Madness fix [995K] added ATF: Nato Fighters 1.01F [132K] added Third Reich 1.35 [456K] - replaces 3r1_34.zipchanges january, 24th added Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 1.06.200 [1218K] - replaces dag195.zipplus a savegame fixutility [97K] for this game added a videofix for F-22 Lightning II [1311K] , needs to be applied prior to v1.01.00.18 added Power Chess [283K] added Quake for OpenGL capable cards, beta 1 [424K] This means many Voodoo based, Verite based and other 3D cards. added Wages of War 1.0 to 1.28 [1775K] - replaces wow1_1.zipchanges january, 21stGame CompaniesCyberlife - addedCyberdreams - removedDark Unicorn Productions - removedDigi4Fun Lichtenstein - addedDigital Integration - updatedDelta Tao - updatedDiscis Knowledge Research, Inc. - removedDomark - removedDomark UK - removedEmpire Interactive US - addedFunsoft (Softgold, Rainbow Arts) - addedIkarus Games - removedIndigo Moon - addedJane's Combat Simulations - addedMacPlay - addedMegamedia Corporation addedMillenium Interactive - addedOT Sports - added21st Century Entertainment - addedU.S. Gold - removedVirgin Interactive US - addedchanges january, 20thMac updates added A-10! Attack 1.3 [7350K] added Astrochase 3D [20K] added Battle Chess 1.1.1 [138K] - replaces battlechesscdupdate1.1.1.sit.hqx added Castles 1.1 [420K] added Creep Night 1.1 [475K] added Out of this World [159K] - replaces ootwupda.sea added Scrabble 2.3 [144K] - replaces scrblup1.hqx added Virtual Pool 1.8.8 [103K]changes january, 19th added Cave Wars 1.11 [368K] added Monday Night Football 1.2 [1200K] added fix for NEC REDDY systems for NCAA Championship Basketball [20K] added Quake 1.06 for Verite chipset (Rendition) beta 12 [272K] added Shattered Steel 1.12 [851K] - replaces added Third Reich 1.34 [470K] - replaces added Tomb Raider 3dfx upgrade (dated 14/01/97) [451K] - replaces 3dfx_al.zipchanges january, 16thNew download design in testing - try it here. added new versions of M.A.X. for several languages: - M.A.X. 1.03 in english [810K] - M.A.X. 1.03 in french [806K] - M.A.X. 1.03 in german [805K] - M.A.X. 1.03 in italian [803K]changes january, 14th added Bundesliga Manager '97 1.30 (german only) [1406K] - replaces added Warwind 1.2 [336K] - replaces warwind.zipchanges january, 12th added Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.05 (US release) [466K] - replaces added an upgrade for IndyCar Racing II for Rendition ready 3D based cards [580K]changes january, 11th added Tomb Raider (Rendition Ready 3D upgrade beta 4) [350K] - replaces renbeta3.zipchanges january, 10th added Avarice: The Final Saga fixpack #1 [981K] added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.07 (UK release) [492K] - replaces bgw102uk.zipchanges january, 9th added Blood & Magic 1.01 [594K] new 3D card support for Descent 2, now for Verite chipset [810K] & Voodoo chipset [894K] both require Descent II 1.1 or 1.2 installed already added F-22 Lightning II [2373K] - replaces & f2210005.zipchanges january, 7th added Admiral: Sea Battles (mission fixes) [29K] added Black Knight 1.x to 1.33 [930K] added Drowned God patch v.4 [923K] - replaces & added Hodj 'N' Podj [135K] added Microcosm 1.33 [380K] - replaces added a fix for users with S3 Vision 968 chipset-based cards for Pinball World [129K] added a game lock-up fix for certain cd-rom drives for Titanic: Adventure out of Time [199K] added an upgrade for 3D Blaster owners for Whiplash [582K]changes january, 4th added Battleground V: Antietam 1.01 (US only) [301K] added Battleground III: Waterloo 1.07 (US only) -[733K] replaces added Front Page Sports: Football Pro 97 1.1 [400K] fixed Lords of the Realm II 1.03 [1016K] added Mechwarrior II: Ghost Bear's Legacy for Windows95 1.1 [763K] added Third Reich 1.33 [451K] - replaces added Wooden Ships and Iron Men 1.02 [167K] - replaces To anyone, who still wants to see what has been added in past months of 1996, check out here.Or check out the new files in 1995.News entries 1996
apache air assault patch 64